Decide Together: Gifting and Support

How can I support you?

The organizing team offers all Decide Together events as a gift, meaning no one is required to pay to participate. We self-organize using collaborative leadership, with everyone invited to contribute whatever they are willing.

Supporting us financially

We ask people to gift us money to help cover our costs and some of our living expenses. We are taking on more risk by choosing not to charge people for participation because we really want to move away from capitalism.  This is a small step towards our dream of a world where resources flow freely to where they are needed, also called the gift economy. 

We invite you to choose an amount to gift us that considers both your needs and ours, including any funding you can use from an organization or program. You can gift us money even if you don’t participate, and you are more than welcome to participate even if you are not able to gift us any money.

If you want to engage more deeply with what it takes to transition toward a needs-based economy, we also offer a longer guided process.

Supporting us with event organizing and outreach

We welcome anything you feel moved to offer. Here are a few examples for inspiration. You could:

  • invite people to gift us money or join the event
  • post or share about our events
  • self-organize additional sessions or satellite events
  • help create content for our website or materials for the event

If you want to join the organizing team or coordinate a satellite event with us, please email us at or stop by one of our weekly planning meetings.

Can I get a standard price?

We realize that gifting can be a big leap for some people when most of us live in capitalist societies that value profit and competition. Social norms and habits like “I should get a good deal” or “it’s not ok to pay less” often disconnect people from their needs, sense of choice, and the joy of giving and receiving. 

We want to welcome everyone regardless of their willingness or ability to engage with gifting. If you just want an average number to gift, please contribute 350 euros. If that is not affordable for you, just contribute what you can. Every gift helps! We also offer some simple guidelines to choose an amount and the option for a paid registration if needed to get access to training funds or financial support from your organization.

How much money is needed?

We need a total of 20.000 euros for the event to be financially sustainable. You can visit our fundraiser to see how much money we have received so far. We will also provide a summary of how we used the money after the event (we value transparency!).

If we receive less, we will choose and adjust what we offer based on our sense of what would serve the most needs. We may only offer sessions online – but we really want to meet in person. You can support us by sending your contribution as early as possible.

If we receive more, we plan to gift some of the money to people who would not be able to join without financial support. We may also use it to hold another event (yay!).

How can I send you gifts?

The easiest way is through our fundraiser on whydonate. If you need to transfer money using a different payment method or currency, please contact us. We can also provide you with account details for a direct transfer. 

Gifts are not related to your participation. Thank you for joining us in moving toward a gift economy!

Simple guidelines for gifts

You can choose an amount from the following ranges based on your situation. You are also welcome to choose a different amount, these guidelines are just here to support you. If you would like to reflect more or do some inner work on transitioning away from capitalism, see our guided process for gifting.  

  • Gifts from you as an individual – 50-500 EUR
  • Gifts from a smaller organization  – 200-800 EUR
  • Gifts from a larger organization  – 500-2000 EUR

Guidance for gifts from you as an individual

Consider choosing a higher amount if you

  • own the home you live in
  • have investments, retirement accounts or inherited wealth
  • travel recreationally
  • work part time by choice
  • have easier access to income due to your background or living area

Consider choosing a lower amount if you

  • have significant debt
  • have challenges covering your basic expenses
  • receive public assistance
  • have limited access to income due to your background or living area
  • are a senior citizen with a fixed income

If sending us a gift will create financial hardship for you, we invite you to lean into full receiving and not gift us any money.

If you need proof of a paid registration or a listed price to get access to funds, please use these guidelines and process (for example if you are using a training budget, expense reimbursement, or grant money). We also send receipts for gifts, but they are not related to your registration or participation.

Prices for paid registration:

  • Standard registration – main event: 350 euros
  • Registration for half-days before or after: 75 euros each
  • Discounted registration for non-profits: 200 euros

Process for paid registration:

  • Complete the registration form and select the option for paid registration
  • Include your organization’s or program’s invoice details and payment process
  • We will send you an invoice or contact you for additional information