About Us

We inspire and support collaborative decisions

We help people re-discover how to care for each other and create a culture where everyone matters. We create opportunities to experience effective collaborative decisions and see that it is possible.

With each decision that truly works for everyone, no matter how small, we help build a future with more participatory government, interdependent communities, restorative responses to conflict, and sustainable economies with needs-based distribution of resources.

We steward and share accessible practices for making collaborative decisions

We create, gather, share, and lead diverse ways of making decisions. We offer guidance for when to use different practices and translation between different frameworks. We also create community spaces and build networks of collaboration. 

Our dream is to spread collaboration practices that are so accessible and supportive that everyone chooses to make decisions that care for all life.

How can we help? 

Decision-making and collaboration

We can support you with making more collaborative decisions at work, at home, and in your communities  

  • We facilitate and coach groups in discovering and adopting collaborative practices to care for everyone and get things done 
  • We teach how to make collaborative decisions through live practice with real-world challenges and controversial group decisions
  • We design and shape decision-making systems and agreements that support efficient collaboration, reduce access barriers, and transform conflict into learning 

Living knowledge 

We can provide a foundation of practices and ways to integrate them into your ongoing collaboration or daily life.

  • We share relevant content from our living collection of practices for collaborative decisions
  • We provide accessible and flexible tools and templates that anyone can use and adapt
  • We offer collaborative editing approaches to integrate feedback and keep your practices relevant

Co-creation and connection

We can collaborate with you or connect you with others who share our passion for collaborative decisions

  • We co-create events to develop and spread collaborative practices
  • We offer community spaces where people share their knowledge and integrate diverse perspectives
  • We provide opportunities to collaborate on projects with our collective

We can also talk to you and discover together what might be supportive. We love getting to know people!

We offer all of our work using gift economy principles.

Our history

In 2021, Roni started talking to other facilitators about their longing for more collaboration and integration of diverse perspectives on nonviolence. They wanted to transition from working as an independent collaboration consultant and facilitator into working in community. They dreamed of connecting different groups and frameworks into a network of mutual support. After attempting to connect a few existing groups and not finding a way forward, they decided to initiate something new. A place with a deep commitment to integrating diverse perspectives. An Integration Station.

Roni shared their vision and invitation, and several people answered the call. Melissa, Magda, Alice, and Sabine joined the early efforts to seed a new organization. Later we were joined by Jen, Leslie, and Marcela, and over time some people left and new ones came in. What emerged was a small collective of people committed to discovering together how to integrate diverse perspective while supporting others with collaborative decision making (CDM). Our work is always informed by our commitment to walk our talk as we engage in ongoing reflection and iteration to integrate what we discover. We also belong to several global and local communities that share our passion for creating a world where everyone matters.

We spent our first year as a collective developing our internal collaboration structures and experimenting with different CDM approaches. After connecting with our vision and learnings, we found a lot of energy for organizing an in-person Collaborative Decision Making Gathering. We want to connect with the wisdom in the field by bringing together people who are passionate about CDM. Our dream is to create a space where we can all come together to increase connection and coherence in our work. To showcase what each of us has learned so far, inspire each other, and create pathways for more shared learning in the future.

What motivates us

We believe that many global issues like poverty, violence, and war reflect a world-wide loss of collaboration skills. Our group feels called to inspire and support people in re-discovering how to care for each other. Our experience is that collaborating in ways that attend to everyone’s needs is what people naturally enjoy. We consistently see deep listening and integration leading to more meaningful interactions, innovative solutions, and supportive outcomes.

While many people hold an intention to make collaborative decisions, in practice they face many challenges and often resort to unsatisfying compromises, hierarchy, or avoidance. We sense that common collaboration struggles often emerge from lack of concrete guidance and skills. Existing frameworks, workshops, and practices are often complex and don’t have easy entry points. Going from theory to practice can be daunting and many people simply give up.

We want to meet people where they are and support them in transforming old patterns, even when they are not willing or able to invest a lot of time or energy in learning. We want to prototype and explore tools and practices that are simple, accessible, and flexible. We also want to discover pathways for bringing more embodiment and play into collaboration activities that are often seen as very serious and stressful. 

Our sources of inspiration

Our work is grounded in principles of nonviolence and we use practices from diverse frameworks: from nonviolent communication to social presencing theatre (theory u). We are working on creating a full list of practices.